Come on retreat with us June 2023 in Suryavana in Spain

For years Bodhiyoga ran retreats to give a full immersion experience of practicing more deeply to students in the quiet of the countryside away from the bustle and distraction of daily modern existence, with great success. After some years of not being able to offer these retreats, we are now returning in 2023 to provide a one week intensive.
What will this retreat offer?
There will be a program built around three main aspects: Yoga practice, Meditation practice and silence. The  silence is help deepen the other two aspects and plays an integral part in any retreat where meditation is to be taken more deeply. Each yoga session will be distinct and offered by Sudaka and Sadhita. The meditations will vary, but generally be based on the basic practices taught on our courses both online and in-person. We will cover a range of yoga practices: Asana, pranayama, Kriyas and relaxation practices.
Do I need experience?
Some experience will help you connect more quickly with the themes, especially if you have trained with us previously, but it is not essential. We will provide fully taught sessions so that we are practicing on the same level through the retreat.
What is provided in the retreat for the fee?
Everything, except for travel and insurance to come out to Spain.
Our accommodation is suitable for couples or single people. There will be the offer of two sharing, or single occupancy with your own toilet and shower en suite. Food will be vegetarian (if you require a special diet please advise us well before).
Can I go out of the retreat during my stay?
A retreat, as the name suggests, is a time for inner reflection and deepening self awareness and understanding. Usually it is not advised to leave the retreat for trips out as this can be a distraction to your own practice and of others. It is best therefore, to maximise the opportunity of being on retreat, but following the program and staying in the beautiful area of the retreat centre. June is a great month to be in Suryavana, so generally it is a pleasant and satisfying situation to be in.
How do I book a place:  contact:  Sadhita at:
Send a deposit of 150 GBP to: Natwest Bank, Account: Steve Young: 51610930; Sort code: 60-18-10 stating your name in the reference. The full retreat cost all in is 850 GBP with a limit of twelve places.